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Thursday, September 15, 2011

And now I get it....

I finally get it.  Tonight as I watch and listen to Jay, I finally understand as best as I can the love that Jesus has for us.  As I look down on her and see her horrible diaper rash from the medicine she's taking to cure the ear infection she has and I hear the raspy cough that she tries so hard to release, I being her mother, want to bear her pain and discomfort.  I look at her and I hurt for her.  I hurt enough to want to bear her cross for her because I love her so much.  When you have such a love you'll do anything.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only son.  Such love gives me chills.  To look down and see the shape someone is in and want to do whatever it takes to bear it for them is the unconditional love that is lacking in this world.  He lived for us to die for us, He rose for us to live for us.  Help me Lord to show the same love that you've shown for me.  Surround me with your presence, embed me with your Spirit.  Thank you for working all things out for my good for God is good!

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