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Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's been a wonderful weekend.  Grace is God giving us what we don't deserve.  Through grace, God is allowing Jay to live.  Where would I be if not for grace.  So thankful that God's grace is free.  I didn't have to buy it but Jesus was kind enough to buy it for us and set us free.  Jay is free to heal and free to live.  I'm free to envision her tying her shoes and riding her bike.  Jumping on the bed and running down the street.  Talking non stop in the backseat and and turning flips in the front yard.  I'm free to believe that God has great things in store for her.  Things that I can't imagine because His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His ways are higher than my ways.  All because of grace a gift that God so generously gave.  A gift.  Something that He wanted us to have.  We receive it in our hearts, we believe it in our minds.  We accept it in our lives.  God is good!

Mommy and Jay

Raghan and Jaylan