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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Long Way Around...

I stated earlier that I attended the 2011 Woman Conference at NLC in LR.  As I listened to the words of the song When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm, Father You are king over the flood, I will be still and know You are God, I immediately felt the feeling that I felt when Raghan came to me that night and told me that in her prayers she hoped Baby Jay didn't die.  It was a feeling that God was preparing me for something greater.  It honestly made me nervous and all of a sudden I felt my heart weighing heavy.  I hadn't had this feeling since Raghan came to me.  As the praise team continued to sing the tears began to roll.  I prayed during the rest of the song.  Up until this point my prayer to God is that until He shows me something different I will believe and speak life over Jay.  He's confirmed His power through so many ways to me and no matter what the doctors tell me, I will continue to trust in His power.  As this song continued I began to ask God, "Lord are you preparing me for something to come? Are you trying to show me something different?"  I meditated on the words of the song and opened my heart to receive what I felt God was sending my way and the most amazing thing happened next. 

God answers prayers. 

He spoke so clear to my heart in the message that came immediately after the song, given by a dynamic speaker by the name of Charlotte Gambill.  It was titled "The Long Way Around".  In this message God told me that sometimes He need to use people to help other people.  Instead of immediate blessings, sometimes He takes us the long way around to pick up others along the way, to educate others along the way, to help others along the way.  All He wants to know is am I willing to be used by Him.  Healing is nothing to God.  On earth Jesus showed His power through raising Lazarus from the dead.    On my journey, the long way around, I've learned that when God says, I AM GOD, He really is God.  I've learned that I am God's friend.  I've learned that while I'm in the midst of praying for Life and Healing for my own child, I can also pray and rejoice in the joyous moments for other babies.  I've learned that even during my down days I must not let my tears overtake my Faith.  He's going to come to my rescue, but it will be at His own time.  You see, just as I was receiving that song into my heart, the good God that I love so much, looked down on me and said "Oh she's confused, let me make myself clear" and Oh did He ever make Himself clear, and boy did He do it immediately.  He said "Trust me, I AM GOD.  Do you believe for that Healing, do you believe in My power, do you believe that I AM who I say I AM.  I AM God."  Jesus said that if I believe I will see the Glory of God.  Well Lord I believe.  I believe that you are who you say you are. I believe in your Healing power.  I trust you to continue to manifest yourself to me.  You Are God.  I'm so thankful to serve a God that refuses to let me be confused.  I am thankful that I serve a God that answers prayers.  I am thankful that I serve a God that allows me to be His friend.  I am thankful that I serve a God that shows up at the right time.  I am thankful that I serve a God that loves me the way that He does.  I am thankful that I serve a God that covers us with His blood. 

Where would I be?  You only know. 
So glad you see, through eyes of love,
a hopeless case, an empty place,
if not for grace,
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. 
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
a hopeless case, an empty place,
if not for grace.

Yes, I trust you Lord.  Yes Lord I'm willing.  Help me to always remember my purpose for this journey the long way around.  Lord make me strong for your agenda.  Thank you for being my God and taking me on this journey the long way around in this season of my life.  I receive it in my heart, and I believe it in the depths of my soul.  I surrender all.  God is good.