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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Peace that surpasseth all understanding...

Today was a true celebration of not only Baby Jay's life on earth, but also Baby Jay's life in heaven.  We were truly blessed with God's PERFECT peace and comfort.  He's still blowing me away.   There's something about knowing that her soul is exactly where it should be.  I think that all along, her spirit knew.  Mike and I both agree that never in our life have we "not" broken down during a memorial service.  Wow God!  I wondered how I would feel on this day.  There's a peace about knowing that she's ok.  My sweet, precious baby girl is ok.  Lord I don't know how you do it, but you're amazing.  Thank you Lord.  Thank you for the whole journey.  Thank you for your goodness.  Thank you for your peace, thank you for being our strength and thank you for that precious baby angel you sent for your kingdom glory.  You are God and we bless your name!  God is good.


  1. God is indeed good and gets all the glory! Thank you for sharing your story, thank you for your transparency, and thank you for forever changing my faith walk. Because of Jay and the journey you have shared I believe I am a much better Christian! The service was like no other I have ever experienced, truly a celebration and very heart warming. I love that you said it isn't goodbye it is see you in glory! Well done sweet baby Jay! God is so good!

  2. Your strength through God is an almost tangible reflection of His power and grace. I have prayed for and quietly followed Baby Jay's story since Rita shared it on her blog, and I continue to be amazed by your amazing faith. You are truly an inspiration whose life, along with Baby Jay's, has touched and continues to touch so many from the simple power of letters on a screen inspired from God's power directly through your fingertips. Our God is the most dear Comforter, and it is clear He is comforting you now. God's strength will hold you up, as it is right at this moment. I want to say thank you. Thank you for sharing this precious time in your life with strangers. Thank you for allowing us to travel this road behind you. Thank you for being such a tremendous woman of faith. You may never know how many lives your words and Baby Jay's precious life have touched this side of glory, but I have no doubt you will hear our precious Lord say to you, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." And I know that precious little girl will be holding your hand with her brand new body one day as she smiles a perfect smile to show her sweet Momma around Heaven. Bless you!
    Jennifer King (family of Rita Treece)
