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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Strengthen us Lord, Comfort her please...

My baby, this is the hardest thing ever to sit here as they poke and push and stick Jay.  BREAKING MY HEART!  She has one tube in her mouth to keep her stomach drained and empty.  They are going to put another tube in that goes to her intestines to feed her, so she'll have 2 tubes in not to mention the oxygen tube in her nose which really isn't that bad.  They think her blood draw from yesterday got contaminated because it came back with bacteria in it.  She doesn't clinically show any signs of infection since she has no fever or vomiting so they decided to do a second blood draw and retest.  Tomorrow we will get an ECHO done of her heart.  We've also spoken with ENT about her floppy airways and she may be a candidate for surgery to help fix that.  OH YEAH she's lost half a pound so we're back down to 5.7.  Rough day for baby Jay but I choose to believe that better days are ahead.  I know God won't give us more than we can bear, not even her.  Touch Lord.  No one can touch like you.  Comfort Lord, no one can comfort like you.   Lord you said you are our rock, our fortress our deliverer.  Make your strength perfect in all of our weaknesses because we are weak.  Here goes my heart shattering again, where are the pieces, where are the pieces???  This evening she shed a tear when they stuck the other tube in.  She doesn't typically do that.  She's got to be in some mad discomfort. Catch her tears Lord I know you didn't say it would be easy. Thank you for allowing us to trust and lean on you. Thank you Lord for reminding me that you got this. God is good.

Holding baby girl!

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Day 2 of ICU

Jay cried most of the night. I even rocked her to sleep at one point but as soon as I laid her down she immediately woke up bless her heart. She's so used to being held so much and it was just too hard to do with all of her tubes and IV's. Just breaks my heart to see her so uncomfortable. They're having to suction her a lot which irritates her throat and causes it to bleed. She's not urinating much either. I am so exhausted I'm not for sure what time I passed out last night. I pray that she has a good day and we get released from ICU soon. Once we leave ICU they'll put us in a regular room. I know she's tired of getting poked on. Yesterday it took an hour and a half just to get the IV's started. They tried all over her body before they settled on her forehead. This morning they had to take one out because it started bleeding. Lord please comfort my child. Rock her Lord, heal her Lord. She's in your hands. Doctors are coming in to see us in a little bit. I pray for a great report. I know that whatever the case, He's not only able but He's also willing. Thank you Lord. God is good!
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