“God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.” Unknown
Tonight as I was picking up dinner a lady walked in with her one month old baby girl. Her baby was very unhappy because she was strapped down in her carseat. She cried and cried and all I could see from where I was standing was her little hands stretched out in the air. My heart felt sad. Jay doesn't open and stretch her hands like that. She keeps them clinched all the time. It's one of her "delays" that Milestones is working on. Sometimes you just don't realize how hard it is for some to do the simplest things as opening their hands. I know we have a long road ahead of us but I'll take that long road over no road. I'm prepared to love her and support her and bear that cross whenever I can grab it from her. I'll go to the moon for her. I'll cross the oceans for her. I'll climb the mountains with her. I can't imagine all of the patience that God has for us when He's dealing with our "developmental delays". Thank you God for not giving up on me. Thank you Lord for going to the moon for me, for crossing the oceans for me. I praise you Lord for climbing the mountains with me. Thank you Jesus for bearing my cross for me. I already love Jay so much, but help me Lord to love her as much as you first loved me. Yes Lord I trust you to bring me through it because you brought me to it. God is good.
What is a hurdle? An upright frame that athletes must jump over during a race. To successfully accomplish hurdle racing a runner must have the proper skill and technique. It takes a well thought out plan. Should a runner hit a hurdle there is no penalty. During my times of track I never hurdled but I've been told that if a runner doesn't have the endurance, hurdles will get harder and harder as they come. This is my blog called "My Season of Hurdles".
If you're new to the blog please click on the following link to read about Jaylan Khristian's backstory.