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Thursday, July 14, 2011

What really matters...

Baby Jay had another good day.  She's still eating better and better and we are so thankful for that.  Sometimes as I hear her deep breathing I'm thankful for that as well because at least I know she's breathing.  One thing that I've learned throughout this journey is that there are so many day to day things that are no longer important.  We spend so much time focusing on things that never mattered to begin with.  Was our day really that bad, are we really that unhappy, are we really that ready to get this week over with hoping that the next week is better, are we really dreading getting out of bed for another same ole day.  Every day is a "New Day" and if we really appreciated the "New Day" that God has blessed us with, we'd be in such a better place.  Why do we complain, is it really worth our time?  I'm definitely learning to embrace the moment because the next moment is never promised.  You hear that all the time, "tomorrow isn't promise" but do we really live today thinking and knowing that tomorrow isn't promised?  Do we really look at all that we have and say thank you Lord I am truly blessed?  Do we go outside and take in all of the beauty that God has surrounded us with?  Do we look at our children run around with their childlike joy and take the time to thank God for blessing our children to be so innocent and happy?  I thank God that when I look at Baby Jay most of the time she's sleeping so peacefully.  I indulge in those moments.  These are the moments that are most important to me now.  The innocence of our kids.  A simple breath of life, a simple stretch of an arm first thing in the morning, a simple hug goodnight, and a beautiful bright smile that says "I'm happy and I love you".  These are the things that really matter.  I would love to feel Baby Jay give me a hug one day and smile at me to say "I'm happy and I love you".  I would love to see her run around with a childlike joy so innocent and so happy.  I already love seeing her stretch her arms when she's trying to wake up and would love to see this even more.  I definitely want to hear her breathing.  Sometimes we don't realize just how hard it is for some to take a simple breath.  Interesting, simple to us, difficult for some. We take advantage of the simple breath when it is such a blessing from God.  Yes, I can definitely say that I'm learning about the things that really matter in life and I'm thankful for every one of those moments that God chooses to bless me with.  Psalm 136:1, Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! God is good.