Hurdle #14
Today was Baby Jay's first day out of the house and I think it has made both of us pretty exhausted. She's still breathing better and better since she's not stopping as often Praise God. All in all she's had a pretty good day. She's starting to get more color to her skin and is looking really good. She's even sleeping better and better. She's starting to sleep in four hour increments at night so we're getting a little more sleep. We're still praying great things for Baby Jay's life in the name of Jesus. It's a relief that His power is infinite and not about medical and science. It's only through our faith in Christ Jesus that we can wake up everyday and have the hope that we have. He definitely wows us everyday. Where would I be? Where would she be? God is good.
What is a hurdle? An upright frame that athletes must jump over during a race. To successfully accomplish hurdle racing a runner must have the proper skill and technique. It takes a well thought out plan. Should a runner hit a hurdle there is no penalty. During my times of track I never hurdled but I've been told that if a runner doesn't have the endurance, hurdles will get harder and harder as they come. This is my blog called "My Season of Hurdles".
If you're new to the blog please click on the following link to read about Jaylan Khristian's backstory.