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Sunday, July 24, 2011


Baby Jay has finally taken her first full bottle.  2 oz is definitely a milestone for her.  I'm so glad she has an appetite.  She didn't sleep too well last night which means neither did I.  I know she just wants to be held because as soon as we put her down she wakes up and won't go back to sleep until we pick her back up.  We're really looking forward to her appointment tomorrow.  The song on my heart now is "Speak" by Myron Butler and Levi.  It says "I shall have what I decree.  Yes I believe it belongs to me, so I'm going to speak into the atmosphere.  Healing, deliverance, it's mine..."  We speak healing over Jay.  Jehovah Rophe is real and we do believe without a doubt.  We speak life over Jay everyday and so far God has honored His word.  We don't know how much life God is going to bless Jay with on this earth but He has definitely blessed her with life.  We are claiming tomorrow to be a very good day.  We are claiming tomorrow's appointment to be a very good appointment.  We have seen God's GLORY shine so bright thus far and we expect to see it even brighter.  Everyday that we wake up with Baby Jay we know that it's because of His mercy, love and goodness, and that He's touched her again.  God is good.