Today is the one month anniversary of my sweet, sweet baby girl slipping away, back to the Father, the King of Glory. My heart still aches and it seems that every day it hurts more and more instead of feeling better and better. I miss her like crazy. I have no words for the void that’s been left in my heart but I trust God to fill it when the time is right. So thankful for my sweet, sweet Jesus. Where would I be if not for His grace?? Sweet Jesus, who was forced to carry His own cross to His place of death. Sweet Jesus, who was mocked for doing nothing wrong. Sweet Jesus who was beaten over and over and over again. Sweet Jesus with a crown of thorns placed upon His head as blood ran down His swollen beaten face. In His final three hours from noon to three, the sky grew dark all over the land. As He called out to God to receive His spirit, the veil of the temple was torn into from top to bottom, the earth shook, the rocks split. Jesus! Why would this sweet, sweet, INNOCENT man who died such a horrible death for me, care so much about me. This sweet, sweet man sits to the right of God, interceding for me, catching every tear from me, feeling every crack in my heart and keeping every piece that shatters so that when the time is right He can make it whole again. My sweet, sweet Jesus who heard my prayer and allowed me to hear my sweet baby girl’s voice when I didn’t know if she would survive birth. My sweet, sweet Jesus allowed me to bring home my baby girl to enjoy a precious relationship with her. My sweet, sweet Jesus who allowed me to be present during my sweet baby girl’s last hour. To be able to hold her as her heart stopped beating, as her blood stopped flowing, as her chest stopped moving. My sweet, sweet Jesus who heard my cry out to Him and in return He cried out to the Father for me. How could this man love me so much?? What sweetness, what goodness. Because of His incredible love for me, I know He’ll fill that void. Because of His incredible love for me I know He’ll comfort my aching heart. Because of that incredible love for me, I know we’ll meet again. My sweet, sweet Savior. My sweet, sweet baby girl. Purity. Nothing but goodness for God is good.
What is a hurdle? An upright frame that athletes must jump over during a race. To successfully accomplish hurdle racing a runner must have the proper skill and technique. It takes a well thought out plan. Should a runner hit a hurdle there is no penalty. During my times of track I never hurdled but I've been told that if a runner doesn't have the endurance, hurdles will get harder and harder as they come. This is my blog called "My Season of Hurdles".
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