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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Power of Prayer...

I'm so thankful that I am saved by grace.  Where would I be without the blood of Jesus that was shed so many years ago to cover me.  When Jesus died it opened up the airways of communication to the Father.  If Jesus wouldn't have put me as a priority in His life through such love and grace way back then, I wouldn't have the power of prayer today. One thing that has come out of this season that we are in the midst of is prayer.  We have always taught our kids to pray about any and everything but recently we decided to begin family prayer on Sunday nights in order to prepare us for our week.  It's a wonderful thing to hear Raghan's prayer shaping from a sentence prayer to a deep heartfelt prayer as she prays for each member of our family especially Baby Jay.  We know in our hearts that Jay is still here and doing well ONLY because of the power of prayer and God's goodness.  We're thankful to everyone in our lives, those we know and those we don't that have taken their time and heart to send prayers for Baby Jay.  No one will ever know just how grateful we really are.  It's almost overwhelming to even think about.  Once again we see God's handprint all over our lives and we give Him all of the Glory.  Coming boldly before His throne making our specific requests known to God.  We seek Him, we trust Him, we believe Him, we love Him.  He keeps us, He carries us, He covers us, He loves us.  God is good.