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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Perfect Peace - Baby Jay

Life is a test...

Baby Jay is still doing great Praise God.  I think her heart rate was a little high today but I'm just thankful that she still has one.  She's been following me with her eyes and it just amazes me.  She tends to be so hungry all of the time bless her heart.  When she feeds it's like she sucks for dear life.  She sucks so hard that you can tell she's cutting off her oxygen supply and the last thing she wants to do is breathe.  I have to stop her feeding often to make her take a breath and she truly hates it.  You can't help but wonder sometimes when she gets upset and works herself up if it's because she's hurting some kind of way or if she's just crying because that's what babies do.  Every day has it's own challenges.  I've been reading and studying "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren and one of my favorite parts is in Chapter 5: Seeing Life from God's View.  It says that Life is a test.  It tells us that character is developed and revealed by tests and that God is constantly testing us through our response through people, conflict, success, illness, and disappointments.  God is watching to see how we handle our tests.  Do we panic, do we run to others or do we turn to Him and put our trust in Him and His plans for our lives.  Sometimes God puts our faith through tests.  I know my faith is being tested but I'm game for it.  You see the devil comes but to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10)  He wants to rip my character to shreds but since I am covered by the blood of Jesus my character is being built every single day throughout this journey.  He never said it would be easy but I'm sure Jesus didn't think it was "easy" to be crucified either.  I still trust God and the plan He has for our lives.  It is my prayer that He maintains the sanity of my mind and helps me to keep my focus on non other but Him.  Sometimes it is so easy to allow our flesh to take over our lives and think for us so I'm also praying that the spirit overrides the flesh.  Baby Jay is in His hands and God can do no wrong.  I trust Him.  After all, Life is a test and I refuse to flunk and fail. I know God is watching me and how I respond to this test that He has placed before me.  It's definitely a hard one but the one thing I do know about this test is that... God is good.