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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The MOUNTAINS in our lives...

Today as I turned my calendar on my desk, it read I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move Matthew 17:20.  I totally believe this scripture.  Through true faith great and mighty things happen.  However, all mountains in our lives are not meant to be moved no matter how much faith we have.  Sometimes we have to climb up the rough side of the mountain while holding God's powerful hand.  I remember that day when I walked out the first UAMS appointment, the check in lady kept saying you gotta Believe, He wants you to Believe.  Here I was with this mountain in front of me and His message to me was Trust me that I am who I say I am.  Sometimes we have to climb the mountain to build our character, to move to that next level.  To have more of Him.  Mountain climbing isn't meant to be easy.  If it was, we'd be climbing hills.  We have to climb mountains to get over stumps in our lives.  I've never climbed a mountain but I can only imagine the strength someone gains in their legs and the endurance they build up when they finish.  Wow! What strength we gain from our mountains.  What endurance we build.  Mountains can be a good thing for us and they hold great significance in the Bible.  Noah's ark came to rest upon Mt. Ararat.  Jesus had a private conversation with His disciples at Mt. Olive.  We have to remember that God is bigger than any mountain, after all He does cause them to tremble.  Judges 5:5 tells us that He can make mountains melt.  It's important that we don't run from our mountains.  That we don't become intimidated by our mountains.  He tells us in Matthew 21:21 to speak to our mountains.  They're mountains.  He's God.  What more do we need.   He didn't move my mountain but He is holding my hand as I'm slowly coming down the other side.  It was a steep mountain, but it only made me better, stronger, more grateful, more loving.  It gave me better vision, and it definitely gave me new spikes to run this race.  I'm hurdling with the wind beating against my face.  I started out slow but by the sweet precious, grace of God I'm gaining endurance.  My chest is on fire but I'm breathing. My storm has come but I'm still standing, I'm still running, I'm still hurdling.  What a Mighty God I serve!  Make them tremble Lord, make them tremble!  My God!  God is good!

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